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Best 5 Animals In Samburu National Park

         Best 5 Animals In Samburu National Park

                     Best 5 Animals In Samburu National Park

Here are the best 5 animals in Samburu National Park, Samburu is a wildlife reserve located in northern Kenya. Established in 1985, it spans over 165 square kilometers and is known for its diverse and unique ecosystem. The park is home to a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, leopards, and rare species such as the Grevy’s zebra, reticulated giraffe, Beisa Oryx, Somali Ostrich and Gerenuk.

The Ewaso Ng’iro River runs through the park, providing a water source that attracts a rich array of fauna. Visitors can experience the beauty of the semi-arid landscape and engage in safari adventures to witness the captivating wildlife in their natural habitat.

The following are the top best 5 animals found in Samburu National Park in Kenya.

Grevy’s  zebra

Grevy’s zebra have been identified as the top best 5 Animals In Samburu National Park, Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) is the largest and most endangered of the three zebra species. Native to Eastern Africa, particularly Kenya and Ethiopia, in Kenya is found in Samburu National Park. These zebras are known for their distinctive appearance. Grevy’s zebras have narrow black and white stripes that are closely spaced on their body, along with large ears and a more mule-like shape compared to other zebras.

Their habitat mainly includes semi-arid grasslands, savannas, and sometimes mountainous regions. Grevy’s zebras are herbivores, primarily feeding on grasses and other vegetation. They have a unique feeding behavior, using their mobile upper lips to grasp and strip grass from the ground.

These zebras are social animals but exhibit less cohesive group structures compared to other equids. Females and their offspring typically form small groups, while males are more solitary. Grevy’s zebras are known for their impressive speed and endurance, and they can run at speeds up to 40 miles per hour.

Conservation efforts are crucial for Grevy’s zebras due to their endangered status. Threats include habitat loss, competition with livestock for resources, and poaching for their skins. Conservation initiatives focus on protecting their habitats, mitigating human-wildlife conflicts, and promoting community involvement in their conservation.

Grevy%27s Zebra 1

Reticulated Giraffe

The Reticulated giraffe is also one of the best 5 animal in Samburu, The reticulated giraffe (Giraffe Camelopardalis reticulata) is a subspecies of giraffe known for its distinctive coat pattern, featuring well-defined, reddish-brown polygonal patches separated by white lines. Found in East Africa, primarily in Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia, they inhabit savannas and open woodlands.

These giraffes are the tallest land animals, with males reaching heights of up to 18 feet (5.5 meters). Their long necks and legs, adapted for browsing on tree leaves, provide them with a unique advantage in reaching higher branches. Reticulated giraffes have a prehensile tongue that can extend up to 45 centimeters, aiding in grasping and pulling leaves from trees.

Socially, they exhibit a loose, non-territorial structure, forming groups known as towers. These towers may consist of both males and females, with adult males establishing a hierarchy through necking contests, a behavior where they engage in a form of neck-wrestling to establish dominance.

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Beisa Oryx

The Beisa Oryx is also the best 5 animal in Samburu National Park, Beisa Oryx (Oryx beisa), also known as the East African Oryx, is a species of antelope native to East Africa. Recognizable by its striking appearance, it has a distinct black-and-white facial pattern, long straight horns, and a grayish-brown coat with a white underside. This oryx inhabits arid and semi-arid regions, including savannas, grasslands, and deserts.

Beisa Oryx are well-adapted to harsh environments, capable of surviving with minimal water. They primarily graze on grasses, but can also consume shrubs and herbs. These herbivores form small herds, often led by a dominant male. Their social structure and group dynamics contribute to their survival in challenging habitats.

The long, straight horns of the Beisa Oryx are a notable feature, and both males and females possess them. These horns play a role in defense against predators and are used in territorial disputes. Conservation efforts are in place to protect the Beisa Oryx population, as they face threats from habitat loss, hunting, and competition with livestock for resources.

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The Gerenuk is basically known as the best 5 animal in Samburu National Park, The gerenuk, scientifically known as Litocranius walleri, is a species of antelope native to East Africa. Known for its distinctive long neck and slender body, the gerenuk is adapted to browsing on leaves and shoots from trees and shrubs. Its name, derived from the Somali word meaning “giraffe-necked,” reflects its notable feature.

These antelopes have a reddish-brown coat with lighter underparts and distinctive markings, such as facial stripes and spots on the body. Gerenuks exhibit sexual dimorphism, with males being slightly larger than females. One of their unique characteristics is their ability to stand on their hind legs to reach higher vegetation, utilizing their elongated neck and hind limbs.

Gerenuks are primarily found in arid and semi-arid habitats, including savannas and scrublands. They are herbivores, relying on a diet consisting mainly of leaves, flowers, and buds. Due to their browsing habits, they can occupy niches not easily accessible to other herbivores.

These antelopes are known for their elusive behavior and are generally solitary or found in small groups. They have well-developed senses, aiding in detecting predators like lions and cheetahs. Conservation efforts are crucial to ensuring the survival of gerenuk populations, as they face threats such as habitat loss and hunting.

File:Gerenuk Family.jpg - Wikipedia

5. Somali Ostrich

The Somali Ostrich is also seen as one of the best 5 animal in Samburu National Park, The Somali Ostrich (Struthio molybdophanes) is a distinct subspecies of ostrich native to the Horn of Africa, particularly Somalia, eastern Ethiopia, and northern Kenya. It’s characterized by its distinctive blue-gray skin on the neck and thighs, contrasting with the pinkish hue on the rest of its bare skin. These large flightless birds have long legs and necks, adapted for running at high speeds.

Somali Ostriches primarily inhabit arid and semi-arid regions, favoring savannas, deserts, and grasslands. They are well-adapted to these harsh environments and can go for extended periods without water, obtaining much of their moisture from the vegetation they consume.

In terms of behavior, Somali Ostriches are social birds, often forming groups with varying sizes. These groups can consist of both males and females, and males are easily recognizable by their striking black feathers. During the breeding season, males engage in elaborate courtship displays, including dancing and feather fluffing, to attract females.

While primarily herbivores, feeding on plants, seeds, and small invertebrates, Somali Ostriches are known to be opportunistic omnivores, occasionally consuming insects and small animals. The females lay large eggs in a communal nest, and both males and females take turns incubating the eggs.

Conservation efforts are important for the Somali Ostrich, as they face threats from habitat loss, hunting, and disturbance. Protecting their natural habitats and ensuring sustainable management practices are crucial for the long-term survival of this distinctive subspecies.

Common ostrich - Wikipedia

Things To Do While At  Samburu National Park

Game Drives: Explore the diverse wildlife of Samburu National Park on a thrilling game drive. Look out for unique species like the reticulated giraffe, Grevy’s zebra, and Somali ostrich.

Bird Watching: Samburu is a haven for bird enthusiasts. Bring binoculars and spot a variety of bird species, including the vibrant lilac-breasted roller and the African fish eagle.

Cultural Interactions: Engage with the local Samburu people to learn about their rich cultural heritage. Some lodges offer cultural visits, providing insight into traditional practices and lifestyles.

Nature Walks: Take guided nature walks to appreciate the smaller wonders of the park, from plants to insects. It’s a great way to experience the natural beauty up close.

Riverside Relaxation: Enjoy a peaceful moment by the Ewaso Ng’iro River, which runs through the park. It’s a picturesque setting and a chance to observe wildlife coming to drink.

Photography: Capture the stunning landscapes and incredible wildlife with your camera. The park offers fantastic opportunities for both amateur and professional photographers.

Entrance Fees To Samburu National Park

Here is the amount of fees should pay while access the Samburu park.

Citizen- Kenya                                Charges

Adult                                                Ksh 2600

Child                                                 Ksh 1300

Residents                                       Charges

Adult                                                Ksh 1000

Child                                                Ksh 500

Non-resident                                Charges

Adult                                               70$

Child                                               40$

Note: The daily fees allow you 24 hours in the park. The fees are the same for Buffalo Springs and Shaba Reserves.

Other Attractions In Samburu National Park

  • Elephants: Samburu is known for its sizable elephant population. These majestic creatures can often be observed roaming the park, especially near the Ewaso Ng’iro River.
  • Lions: The park is home to both African lions and sometimes the rarer Somali lions. Lions are often spotted resting in the shade or prowling in search of prey.
  • Leopards: While more elusive, leopards inhabit the park’s rocky outcrops and riverine areas. Patience and keen observation are often required to catch a glimpse of these agile felines.
  • Cheetahs: Samburu provides a suitable habitat for cheetahs, known for their speed and agility. Open grasslands offer opportunities for them to showcase their incredible hunting skills.
  • Buffaloes: African buffaloes can be found in Samburu, forming herds that traverse the landscape. They are an essential part of the park’s ecosystem.
  • Hippos: Near the riverbanks and water sources, hippos can be spotted, often submerged during the day and becoming more active in the evenings.
  • Crocodiles: The Ewaso Ng’iro River, running through the park, is home to Nile crocodiles. They lurk in the water, waiting for opportunities to catch prey.

Accommodation Facilities In Samburu National Park

The following are the Accommodation facilities that caters to diverse traveler needs, providing a place to stay during the journeys or vacations in Samburu National Park

  • Luxury Accommodation

In Samburu National Park, you’ll find the epitome of luxury accommodation at places like Saruni Samburu. Nestled amid the pristine wilderness, this exclusive lodge offers lavish tented suites with panoramic views of the Ewaso Nyiro River and the expansive landscape. Guests can indulge in personalized services, gourmet dining, and unique safari experiences tailored to their preferences. Saruni Samburu exemplifies luxury in the heart of the Kenyan wilderness, blending opulence with the untamed beauty of Samburu National Park.

  • Budget Accommodation

For budget-conscious travelers exploring Samburu National Park, Samburu Sopa Lodge serves as an excellent example of affordable accommodation. This lodge provides comfortable rooms with basic amenities, allowing guests to enjoy the beauty of the surroundings without breaking the bank. While not as opulent as luxury options, Samburu Sopa Lodge still offers a pleasant stay, proximity to wildlife, and access to essential facilities, making it a practical choice for those seeking budget-friendly accommodation in the heart of Samburu National Park.

  • Mid-Range Accommodation

One example of mid-range accommodation in Samburu National Park is Samburu Simba Lodge. This lodge offers a comfortable stay with a range of amenities at a more affordable price point. Guests can enjoy well-appointed rooms, basic facilities, and proximity to the wildlife-rich landscape of Samburu. While not as luxurious as some high-end options, Samburu Simba Lodge caters to travelers seeking a decent level of comfort without compromising on the immersive experience of being in the national park.

How To Access Samburu National Park

Here is how to get to Samburu National Park

By Air: Fly into Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO) in Nairobi, which is the main international airport in Kenya. From Nairobi, you can take a connecting flight to Samburu’s airstrip, Buffalo Springs Airstrip, or Samburu Airport.

By Road: Samburu National Park is approximately a 5-6 hour drive (about 345 km) north of Nairobi. Roads may vary in condition, so it’s advisable to use a sturdy vehicle or hire a reliable transportation service. there are deferent gateway: i.e.

  • Main Gate: The main entrance to Samburu National Park is through the main gate, located on the southern border of the park. This gate is often used by visitors approaching from Nanyuki or Isiolo.
  • Buffalo Springs Gate: Buffalo Springs Gate is another entry point situated on the western side of the park. It provides access to the Buffalo Springs Reserve, which is contiguous with Samburu National Park.
  • Samburu Oryx Gate: Located on the eastern side, the Samburu Oryx Gate offers entry to the park and is convenient for those traveling from areas like Archers Post.
Frequently Asked questions

What is the most important animal for the Samburu people?

The most important animal for the Samburu people is the camel. Camels hold significant cultural and practical value for the Samburu community in Kenya. They are used for transportation, providing milk, and playing a crucial role in various traditional ceremonies. Camels are well-suited to the arid and semi-arid landscapes of the region, making them indispensable to the Samburu people’s way of life.

What rare animals are in the Samburu National Reserve?

Samburu National Reserve is known for its unique and diverse wildlife, including some rare and endangered, Grevy’s Zebra, Reticulated Giraffe, Beisa Oryx, Somali Ostrich and Gerenuk.


Samburu National Park is a paradise for travelers seeking an immersive safari experience in Kenya. However, Kenya is also Famous for the annual wildebeest migration, like Maasai Mara National Reserve for wildlife viewing and also Mount Kenya, Great Rift Valley: A geological wonder with breathtaking landscapes and lakes like Nakuru and Naivasha. All what you have to do is to book a trip with Kubwa Five Safaris to get more experience and unforgettable adventure.