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Zambia National Parks and Game Reserves

Zambia National Parks and Game Reserves

The top-notch Zambia National Parks and Game Reserves such as South Luangwa, Kafue, Lower Zambezi, Kasanka , Mosi-oa-Tunya, Nsumbu, Liuwa Plain and Lochinvar National Parks, all of which offer game drives, guided walks, and boat and canoe excursions.

Unsurprisingly, Zambia has a lot to offer in terms of safari destinations. Amazing as it may be, many people have yet to witness the majesty of Victoria Falls. But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find some of Africa’s last unspoiled wilderness areas.

And the leopard, Africa’s most enigmatic cat, is frequently spotted in Zambia. Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park is the best place to go if you want to see rhinos, as you can go on foot safaris to look for these massive animals.

Popular safari animals in Zambia include elephants, buffalo, and zebras. The country is home to well-known species like lions and leopards, as well as rare ones like the endangered wild dog.


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