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Top 4 Best Safari Lodges In Mana Pools National Park

The top 4 best safari lodges in Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe are: Mana pools Safari Lodge, Kanga camp, Nyamatusi camp and Ingwe Pan  camp. Mana Pools National Park is a hidden gem located in northern Zimbabwe, bordering Zimbabwe. Because the park is so remote, it has remained untouched and wild. Mana Pools’ beauty is that it is a walking concession with massive flood plains and, with the prominent Zambezi River flowing, a number of spectacular sights and interactions with its inhabitants.

The best 10 reasons to visit Mana Pools National Park are; chitake springs, lions tracking, elephants tracking, canoeing, primates, birding, boat cruise, fishing, game walks, and game walks. The common animals in Mana pools national park include; Elephants, impala, waterbuck, baboons,  Zebras, Eland, Hippopotamus, Warthogs, Monkeys and a number Birds especially the Fruit Bats.


Mana Pools Safari Lodge

Mana Pools Safari Lodge Photo 2

Mana Pools safari lodge is one of the best accommodation lodges in Zimbabwe with good luxury services to the tourists. The lodge offers luxury services such as the swimming pool, Wi-Fi, massage, spa, among others. The lodge is also known of its hospitability by the employees and the community around the lodge ensuring safety of the tourists as they live in the accommodation.


Kanga Camp


Kanga Camp is also located near the Mana pools National park in Zimbabwe. The kanga camp is a luxury based camp for tourists who like having luxury services such as swimming, internet, spa and massage services, expensive things among others. These luxury based camps are expensive in nature and incur more expenses by the tourists due to extra services rendered at camp.


Nyamatusi Camp

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Nyamatusi camp is one of the remarkable camp accommodation in mana pools national park because of the perfect view of the nature and wildlife of the park while in the Nyamatusi camp. It gives a real wild experience to the tourists as they feel really living with the wildlife together. This camp is luxury in nature because of the services it offers to the tourists. Services such as swimming, Wi-Fi, Spa, Bar among others.


Ingwe Pan Camp

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Ingwe Pan Camp accommodation is a good affordable type of accommodation to any tourist visiting Mana pools National Park. The accommodation hosts budget like tourists who are not much of luxury activities and services but just want services good enough to keep them comfortable and safe. Services such as Breakfast, Bed, Lunch, Dinner, bath rooms among others.


Best Time to Visit Mana Pools National Park

Mana Pools Climate

  • Winter months – mid-May, June, July, and early August – have gorgeous blue sky and cool evenings and are warm.
  • September to May are the summer months. With scorching to extremely hot days and warm evenings.
  • Rainy season – Typically between mid-November and April, but rain can fall outside of these months.

When is the best time to see wildlife in Mana Pool National Park?

August, September, October, and early November are the greatest times to observe animals in this park. Due to the great scarcity of water in the interior, the animals have naturally flocked to the river and natural pools of Mana.

During the dry season, Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe offers walking safaris.

Mana Pools is currently experiencing its dry season.

During the rainy season, which lasts from late November to April, an entirely different park appears. Arid savannahs become verdant plains with abundant grazing. Some permanent species remain, despite the fact that many animals disperse inland and make game viewing difficult.

This is the verdant season, and it is during this time that the park and its inhabitants are revitalized by the availability of food. There are newborn animals everywhere, and the bird population is enormous. Frequently, road access is restricted.



How To Reach Mana Pools National Park

Mana Pools national park is well known as one of the remote areas in Zimbabwe. Visitors have to drive from Harare the capital city on a tarred road up to the basement Zambezi escarpment and turn off the tarred road onto a 43.5 mile dirt road and travel towards Nyamepi Camp and there will be the visitor in Mana Pools National Park.

Manapools is a secluded park. The park is located in the extreme north of Zimbabwe on the Zambezi River, far from any major town or human settlement.

Drive approximately 310 kilometers from Zimbabwe’s capital city (Harare) and obtain a free Manapools entry permit from Marongora reception. The Marongora reception is located in the heart of the Zambezi escarpment. After obtaining the permit, you descend the Zambezi escarpment for approximately 10 kilometers before turning right onto a dirt road that will take you approximately 77 kilometers into unspoiled bush to Nyamepi Camp.

When returning from Chirundu, you obtained the same free permit from the Zimbabwe Parks office at the Chirundu border posts. Proceed from the Chirundu border post to the Manapools turnoff, which is 40 kilometers along the Harare highway.


In Conclusion

Mana pools is one of the best African national parks with diversity of wildlife, water bodies,  birds, worthy visiting again again because of the exceptional experience it gives to the visitors. Kubwa five safaris, a tour company in Africa is a trustworthy company where a tourist is assured of best experience achievement while on a trip with them. You can book with Κubwa five safaris in their offices or online. Contact Kubwa Five Safaris for more details.