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Kenya National Parks and Game Reserves

Kenya National Parks and Game Reserves

When it comes to wildlife viewing, Kenya is the perfect choice especially for people who are going on their first safari. Kenya National Parks and Game Reserves are Maasai Mara, Amboseli National Park, Tsavo National Park , Aberdare National Park, Lake Nakuru National Park, Tsavo East National Park, Tsavo West National Park, Arabuko Sokoke National Park, Central Island National Park, Chyulu Hills National Park, Hell’s Gate National Park, Kisite-Mpunguti Marine National Park, Kora National Park, Lake Nakuru National Park, Malindi Marine National Park, Malka Mari National Park, Meru National Park, Mombasa Marine Park, Mount Kenya National Park, Mount Longonot National Park, Nairobi National Park, Ol Donyo Sabuk National Park, Ruma National Park, Saiwa Swamp National Park, Sibiloi National Park, Watamu Marine National Park.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the options for exploring Kenya’s natural landscapes, what with the country’s 24 national parks, 15 national reserves, 6 marine parks, and numerous private conservancies.

One of the best places to go on safari in Africa is Kenya.


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+256 774313798
+256 703296977