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Best Ways To Access Tarangire National Park

Best Ways To Access Tarangire National Park

Best Ways To Access Tarangire National Park

The best ways to access Tarangire National Park Tanzania include access by air and access by road. The park is located in Northern Tanzania, and it is famous for its beautiful scenery and lots of different animals. The park is about 2,850 square kilometers big.

 You can access Tarangire  in different ways. You can join a safari tour with a guide or choose to do a self-drive. The guides know a lot about the animals and the park and they can fill you in on all details as regards to the trips hence making a guided tour more advantageous compared to a self-drive tour.

Tarangire National Park is not far from towns like Arusha and Moshi,  making it easy for people from nearby and from far away to visit. Many of the tourists come to Tarangire to see the amazing wildlife and beautiful scenery.

1. Accessing Tarangire National Park By Air transport

Many safari companies offer flights directly to get to Tarangire making it one of the best ways to access Tarangire national park. This is handy for people who don’t have much time or don’t like long car rides. Flying saves time and helps to avoid the bumpy roads, making the journey smoother and faster.

If you arrive at Kilimanjaro airport which is Tanzania’s main airport, you can catch a domestic flight to Kuro Airstrip which is found in the Northern part of Tarangire National Park. Other places where you can take a flight into Kuro Airstrip include; Arusha, Lake Manyara, Serengeti National Park and Zanzibar. From Kuro Airstrip, you can connect with your guide or connect to your lodge.

This route is the best ways to access Tarangire national park if you want to spend less time travelling by road.

Flying can cost more than driving but prices vary depending on where you are and when you book. Some safari packages include the domestic flights, accommodation, making it easy to explore Tarangire and other places in Tanzania. Give yourself a chance to see Tanzania’s beauty from a bird’s eye view.

2. Accessing Tarangire National Park By Road transport

Traveling to Tarangire national park by road  is also one of the best ways of accessing Tarangire national park. From Arusha or Moshi, It is an amazing journey through landscapes. If you prefer driving, Tarangire is about a 2–3-hour drive away from Arusha. You can rent a car with a driver or use one of the safari tour companies whose packages include transportation, or drive yourself if you have a suitable vehicle. There are different entrances to the park and these are the following entrances to the park.

From Arusha

Arusha is a famous location where most of the safaris in northern Tanzania start from because it’s close to many national parks including Tarangire and it takes about 2 to 3 hours to drive from Arusha to Tarangire National Park, which is good for day trip or part of a longer safari.

You can as well choose how you want to travel by hiring a private car, taking a taxi, or joining a guided tour. On the way, you will see the Maasai steppe and small villages which show what local life is like.

From Moshi

Moshi is near Mount Kilimanjaro and is another good place to start your journey to Tarangire national park. It takes a bit longer, approximately 4 hours to drive from Moshi to Tarangire but the scenery is beautiful, and you might see some wildlife along the way.

Just like Arusha, you can decide if you want to rent a car or join a tour to get to the park. While driving from Moshi, you might get to see Mount Kilimanjaro if the weather is clear and also there are lots of beautiful scenaries before you reach the plains of the park which which makes the journey enjoyable.  There are 4 routes from Moshi that can lead you to the National Park as listed below;

  • Main gate; located near Tarangire River and its most commonly used for visitors from Arusha which leads you to the southern part of the park and the central part of it.
  • Matete gate; located in the western park of the park which leads you to more remote areas.
  • Silale swamp gate; located northern park of the park near silale swamp.
  • Lemiyon gate; located in the eastern part of the park and leads you to areas of dense woodlands and rocky outcrops where u can be able to see leopards.

So, pick the gate that is closest to where you’re staying or based on your interests and desires for a Safari experience or the one most convenient for you. Both routes that is, Moshi and Arusha can give you a good look at Tanzania’s landscapes and scenery you just might see some animals before you even get to Tarangire. Whether you start from Arusha or Moshi, going to Tarangire is the beginning of an amazing safari adventure in one of Tanzania’s best national parks.

Public Transportation: Taking a bus to Arusha from cities like Dar es Salaam or Nairobi is possible, but getting to Tarangire from there by public transportation is a little hard. It’s better to use private transportation for more convenience and flexibility.

To get to Tarangire national park using public transportation, you can start by heading to Arusha, from there you can take a daladala local minibus or a bus to the town of Mto wa mbu “The River of Mosquitoes,” which is near the park entrance. These buses are usually available at the main bus station in Arusha.

Once you reach Mto wa mbu, you will need to hire a taxi or a local guide with a vehicle to take you into Tarangire national park. The park entrance is about 7 kilometers 4 miles from Mto wa mbu. Make sure to negotiate the price beforehand, as it can vary depending on the vehicle and the number of people.

Inside the park, you can explore the wildlife and beautiful landscapes. Tarangire is known for its large herds of elephants, as well as its baobab trees and diverse birdlife. You can go on guided safari in the park and it’s essential to follow park rules and guidelines for safety and conservation.

After enjoying your time in Tarangire, you can arrange transportation back to Arusha from Mto wa mbu. Keep in mind that public transportation schedules and availability may vary, so it’s a good idea to plan ahead and ask locals or tour operators for assistance if need be.

No matter how you choose to get there, it’s important to plan ahead, especially during the peak season from June to October that is, the dry season. There is a migration of animals into the park in search for water in the dry season hence it’s good for gaming viewing, and also places to stay and transportation can fill up quickly.

Attractions In Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park has many amazing things to see and experience when you visit.

  • Animals: Tarangire is famous for its big elephant population and the oldest elephant giving birth to twins. You can also see other amazing animals like lions, leopards, giraffes, zebras, and various kinds of antelopes.
  • Bird Watching: There are over 500 species of birds in Tarangire. You can see colorful birds like bee-eaters and kingfishers all around the park, especially around Tarangire River and on trees.
  • Beautiful Scenery: The Park has different landscapes, ranging from wide grasslands to ancient baobab trees and pretty river areas. The views are especially nice at sunrise and sunset, perfect for photography.
  • Tarangire River: The River in the park is super important for animals, especially when during the dry season. You can drive along the river and watch animals come to drink and cool off.
  • Big Baobab Trees: Tarangire has these huge baobab trees that are hundreds of years old. They give shade to animals and look really cool against the sky. People love taking pictures of them.Adansonia digitata - Wikipedia
  • Guided Tours: You can join guided safari tours with experienced guides. They’ll tell you all about the animals, the park, and how they’re conserving it. It makes the safari even more interesting.
  • Tarangire National Park is a great place to visit if you love wildlife, nature, and photography especially with the baobab trees that have lived for thousands of years.

The Major Animals To See In Tarangire National Park;

  • Elephants: The Elephants have long been inhabitants of Tarangire National Park and are an iconic symbol of the area’s wildlife. It is in Tarangire where an elephant gave birth to twins and researchers believe their mother, a 57-year-old elephant named Eloise, most likely gave birth to the two calves in August 2017. Tarangire is renowned for its large elephant population, with approximately 3,000 individuals roaming the park. When you talk about elephants, don’t forget the fact that they are herbivores and primarily feed on grasses, leaves, tree bark and fruits. In Tarangire, they often gather around the Tarangire River, where they can find water and lush vegetation mostly during dry season of June to October. Elephants are active during the day and can be spotted throughout the park, particularly near water sources where they often bathe and socialize.

Dosiye:Eleph Tarangire river.jpg - Wikipedia

  • Lions, Lions have historically inhabited Tarangire National Park, and they play a crucial role as top predators in the ecosystem. The lion population in Tarangire has gradually fluctuated, but it is estimated to be around 1,500 individuals and the Tarangire National Park lion population is sure to increase over time. Tarangire National Park also has tree climbing lions. Lions are carnivores and primarily prey on a variety of animals, including wildebeest, zebras, and antelopes. They often hunt cooperatively, especially during the cooler hours of dawn and dusk. Lions are predominantly nocturnal hunters, but they can also be active during the day, especially in cooler weather. Visitors have the best chance of spotting them during early morning or late afternoon game drives.

Panthera leo melanochaita - Wikipedia

  • Giraffes, Giraffes have been inhabitants of Tarangire for centuries and are known for their distinctive appearance and graceful movements. Tarangire National Park is a home to a significant population of giraffes, with estimates ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 individuals. Giraffes are herbivores and they primarily feed on leaves, buds, and twigs from acacia trees. Their long necks allow them to reach high branches that other animals cannot access. Giraffes are diurnal animals and are active during the day. They can often be seen browsing for food, socializing in groups known as towers.

File:Giraffe in tanzania.jpg - Wikipedia

  • Ostriches: Ostriches are native to Africa and have inhabited Tarangire National Park for many years. While specific population estimates are not readily available, ostriches can be commonly spotted in open grasslands and savannah habitats throughout the park. Ostriches are omnivores but primarily feed on plant matter, including grasses, seeds, and leaves. They may also consume insects and small animals opportunistically. Ostriches are diurnal and are most active during the early morning hours and late afternoon. They often forage for food or engage in courtship displays during these times.
  • Hornbills: Hornbills are native to Africa and are found in various habitats, including Tarangire National Park. Tarangire is home to several species of hornbills, including the iconic southern ground hornbill and the colorful Von der Dicken’s hornbill. Hornbills are omnivorous birds that feed on a diverse diet, including fruits, insects, small animals, and occasionally, carrion. Hornbills are primarily diurnal and can be seen foraging for food in trees and on the ground throughout the day. They may also engage in social behaviors such as mating displays and vocalizations.

 Accommodation Facilities In Tarangire National Park;

In Tarangire National Park, you have different choices for where to stay and enjoy your safari experience. The accommodations range from budget, midrange to luxury.

  • Luxury; A Luxury Hotel is considered a hotel that provides a grandeur accommodation experience to the guest. In Tarangire national park, there are high standard lodges and tented camps that provide amazing safaris experience, you can find Kuro Tarangire, Nomad Tanzania, Nimali Tarangire, Chem Chem lodge, Little Chem Chem, Eco science center and luxury lodge, all these offer a fancy safari experience for those who are seeking for luxury. Such accommodations often offer spacious tents or rooms surrounded by beautiful nature. You can stay in comfy rooms or luxury tents and they’re usually located in good spots for seeing animals and habour nice views.

Safari lodge - Wikipedia

Mid-range:  it falls between budget and luxury options in terms of pricing and amenities. They offer amenities such as restaurant, swimming pool, similar to three star hotels but they can still offer a memorable safari experience at a more affordable price. If you’re up for adventure, you can book any of these, Sangaiwe Tented Lodge with amazing views of Lake Burunge, Tarangire Safari Lodge, Burunge Tented Lodge, Maramboi Tented Lodge located inside the park with amazing views, Tarangire Sopa Lodge, Baobab Tented Camp . There are designated campsites where you can pitch your tent and spend the night under the stars. Basic facilities like toilets and showers are available, and some campsites even offer extra services like barbecue or guided walks.

Budget; these offer basic amenities at affordable prices and they provide simple rooms with essential facilities such as beds, bathrooms and possibly a communal area and these are some of the budget accommodations in Tarangire National  Park; Whistling thorn tented camp, Tarangire Simba lodge, Roika Tarangire. Low budget travelers can find a lodge within or near the park. These camps and lodges offer affordable experience while exploring the natural beauty and wildlife of Tarangire national park.

Parking And Entrance Fees At Tarangire National Park;

  • Entrance Fees: If you are a foreigner, you usually pay about $45 to $50 USD per person each day to get into the park. People from East Africa usually pay around $10 to $20 USD per person each day. Tanzanian citizens pay less, usually around $5 to $10 USD per person each day.
  • Park Entrance Fees For Vehicles , you also have to pay for your vehicle in the park. If you’re on a safari, parking for your vehicle costs about $10 to $20 USD each day. The price can change based on the kind of vehicle you have and how long you stay.

These fees might change, so it’s a good idea to check with the park or search online before you go. Sometimes, if you’re on a tour, these fees are included in the package price, so you might not have to pay separately.

Climate In Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park in Tanzania experiences a typical East African climate, with distinct wet and dry seasons. The dry season, from June to October, is characterized by little to no rainfall, dry weather, warm to hot temperatures ranging from 25°C to 30°C during the day, and cooler nights around 10°C to 15°C.Wildlife viewing is optimal during this time as animals congregate around water sources.

In contrast, the wet season, spanning from November to May with a peak from March to May, there is increased rainfall, slightly cooler temperatures averaging 20°C to 25°C during the day, and nighttime temperatures around 15°C to 20°C. The landscape becomes lush and green, and wildlife disperses as they seek shelter from the rain and there is also abundant water sources throughout.

Facts About Tarangire National Park

  1. Historical Significance: Tarangire National Park derives its name from the Tarangire River, which flows through the park. The name “Tarangire” is of Maasai origin, meaning “river of warthogs.” The Maasai people have long inhabited the area surrounding the park and have a rich cultural heritage tied to the land.
  2. Cultural Heritage: The park is not only a haven for wildlife but also holds cultural significance. It is home to several Maasai communities, who continue to practice their traditional way of life, including cattle herding and cultural ceremonies. Visitors to the park can often engage with Maasai people during the cultural visits and learn about their customs and traditions.
  3. Scenic Landscapes: Beyond its wildlife, Tarangire National Park boasts stunning landscapes characterized by vast grasslands, ancient baobab trees, and picturesque riverine forests. The landscape provides a beautiful backdrop for wildlife viewing and photography, with the changing light throughout the day creating breathtaking scenes.

Activities To Do In Tarangire National Park;

In Tarangire National Park, people love to engage in the following activities:

  • Game drive: Driving in safari cars around the park that is, a 4X4 safari land cruiser with open roofs for game viewing or a safari van to see animals like elephants, lions, and giraffes is the top thing to do when engaging in a safari.
  • Bird Watching: There are a variety of birds in Tarangire, over 500 different types and people love spotting colorful birds like bee-eaters and kingfishers while walking around the park. Having binoculars during bird watching is an added advantage as you will bee able to clearly spot birds, even those a distance away.
  • Taking Nature Walks: Walking with guides to see plants and animals up close is another popular activity. It is a great way to learn about the park’s nature and how it’s taken care of. 
  • Photography: Capturing the park’s beautiful views and animals with cameras.
  • Cultural encounter: Visiting villages and experiencing local traditions.
  • Relaxing and Picnicking: Just sitting back and enjoying the peaceful surroundings or having a picnic with friends and family.

Tarangire National Park in Tanzania is an amazing place for safari adventures. It’s full of animals, different landscapes, and interesting culture. People from all over the world love visiting here. Whether you’re driving through the park to see animals, walking in nature, or just enjoying the views, there’s something for everyone. The park works hard to protect its wildlife and nature, making sure it stays special for future generations. Tarangire National Park is truly a treasure for both locals and tourists to enjoy.

Best Time To Visit Tarangire National Park

The best time to visit Tarangire National Park depends on what you want to see and do. In the dry season from June to October, it’s easier to spot wildlife gathering around water sources, and the weather is usually sunny and warm during the day but cooler at night. With less vegetation, you’ll have better chances for wildlife sightings and photography, but there are more tourists around.

In the wet season, the park becomes lush and green with blooming flowers, attracting migratory birds from November to April. There are fewer tourists, offering a quieter experience, but some areas may be inaccessible due to rain making roads muddy and slippery. If you prefer wildlife viewing and sunny weather, then you should visit in the dry season. But if you enjoy birdwatching and don’t mind occasional rain, the wet season might be ideal for you.

Things To Park When Planning For A Safari In Tarangire National Park;

When planning for a safari in Tarangire National Park, it’s essential to pack wisely to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Here’s a quick list of items to consider:

  • Clothing: Opt for comfortable, breathable fabrics and neutral colors that blend with the natural surroundings. Include a hat and sunglasses plus sunscreen for sun protection.
  • Footwear: Strong, closed-toe shoes are recommended for walking safaris. Sandals can be packed for relaxation at the camp.
  • Gear: Bring binoculars for wildlife viewing and bird watching, a camera with extra batteries, and a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated.
  • Health: Pack sunscreen, insect repellent, and a basic first-aid kit. Also, ensure you have any personal medications.

Remember, the key is to pack light and some heavy cloths depending on the weather conditions and only bring essentials, as space can be limited on safari vehicle and for domestic flights, they have a weight limit for luggage.

 Frequently asked questions 

  1. What animals can I expect to see in Tarangire National Park?                                                                      In Tarangire, you can expect to see various animal like elephants, lions, leopards and buffalos which are part of the big five, and other animals like giraffes, zebras, jackals, hippos, warthogs, to mention but a few. There are also many different kinds of birds, more than 500 types, especially during the rainy season.
  2. When is the best time to visit Tarangire National Park?                                                                            The best time to go depends on what you you would like to experience. If you want to see animals, it is good to visit during the dry season, from June to October. If you like green landscapes, and birding, then the wet season, from November to May, would be ideal for you.
  3. Are there places to stay in Tarangire National Park?                                                                                  Yes, there are places to stay like lodges, tented camps, and campsites. They have different prices, so you can choose what fits your budget. These places usually have nice views and offer guided tours to see the animals.
  4. What can I do in Tarangire National Park besides going on safaris?                                              Besides going on safari drives, you can also go on guided walks to see animals up close, cultural visits, bird watching and photography.
  5. Is it safe to visit Tarangire National Park?                                                                                                       Yes, it’s safe to visit, but you need to follow some rules and regulations of the park to stay safe. For example, stay in your car during safari drives, be respectful to the animals, and listen to your guides. They will help you stay safe while you enjoy the park.

Tarangire national park is a stunning place full of amazing animals and beautiful landscapes. Whether you love seeing animals, colorful birds, or learning about the Maasai people, there is something for everyone here.

Kubwa Five safaris can help make your trip memorable. We offer exciting safari packages that will let you explore the park in the best way possible. If you’re planning your trip. Think about adding Tarangire to your list. With Kubwa 5 safaris, you will have an amazing adventure and make memories that you will cherish forever.