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The best time to visit Chizarira National Park in Zimbabwe depends on the activities you would like to be part of at the park. Chizarira is one of Zimbabwe’s most remote and least visited National Parks. It has magnificent scenery, being situated atop the spectacular Zambezi escarpment mountains which are deeply grooved with thickly-wooded gorges

Here is the description of the best time to visit Chizarira National Park;

The weather and climate in Chizarira National Park

The park experiences two major seasons (Winter and Summer) which are the exact opposite of the usual winter and summer experienced in Europe and Asia which are characterized by freezing temperatures and heat respectively.

Winter (Dry season) in Chizarira National Park

The middle and end of the Dry season (July to October) is best for viewing wildlife in Chizarira National Park. Wildlife is more easily seen at this time because the vegetation is thinner and animals gather at water sources. Roads can become impassable during the Wet season. Some of the activities done include;

  • Game viewing
  • Game drives

Summer (Wet season) in Chizarira National Park

The wet summer in Chizarira takes place from November to March. It is Characterized by heavy rains. Game viewing is literary difficult during this season because the grass, shrubs, woodlands and trees have really grown which limits how far you can see.

However this season (wet season) is ideal for bird watching especially betweem November and December.

My conclusion about when to visit Chizarira National Park

To have the best experience in Chizarira National Park please book with KUBWA5 SAFARIS for a thrilling vacation